About Dug and Po

Why this blog exists (from first post):

So… talking to Si at work today and we were reminiscing about some great beers we had lately and wished there was a place to post info and share between the two of us.  So, here it is.  Whether you read it or not, like it or not, it really doesn’t matter… if you do enjoy the info, though, let us know.  If no one chimes in, I can stop writing like anyone is really reading this. 

 Edit: Second day into this… I think the secondary reason for doing this is that there are quite a few really good, very detailed beer blogs and sites out there (http://beeradvocate.com/, http://www.thebrewsite.com/, and http://www.ratebeer.com/default.asp to name a few), but they are all too verbose, for my taste.  I just want a site that has some beer on it with short, relevent information.  That is it, so that is what you will see here.  Like it or not…


Dug was first introduced to beer by some new college buddies in the fall of 1996.  Prior to that time, he grew up in a very religious community in Idaho and subsequently had no fun at all.  That all changed when the wonderful world of beer was introduced that fine fall afternoon and Dug’s beer virginity was taken (and subsequently so were many other things).  Captain Bastard’s Oatmeal Stout was the beer of choice back then and treated Dug well for many a Utah year.  Since then, his taste has changed and he is currently being drawn to imported pilsners and local, northwest IPAs.  Dug’s contributions to this site will likely be spotty since he has a terrible memory and extremely short attention span. 


Po can’t quite remember when he first drank beer, but it was definitely a long time ago (probably in the 1970’s) and almost certainly either on his father’s lap, or at his rugby club. He does know he didn’t like it then – but he forced himself to overcome those early unpleasant memories, and by the mid-80’s was a big big fan. He’s drunk beer from Stockholm to Cape Town, from Honolulu to Tokyo (via via Lisbon, London, Paris, Munich, Berlin and Moscow, amongst others), and he’s looking forward to a further half-century of enjoyment. He might sneak in a drop or two of single malt, if Dug doesn’t watch out.

27 Responses to About Dug and Po

  1. I really like your beer blog and your straight forward approach to reviewing them! Keep up the good work!

  2. dugpark says:

    We thank you kind sir!

    • Oliver says:

      Hi Dug
      How are you? Just had a look at this page….cool i like it alot!
      SO were are the Swiss Beers like Feldschlösschen,Unser Bier, Eichhof,Ueli Bier, Warteck….would be great to have it on this page too 😉

      I send you some if you want to taste it first 🙂

      So have a wonderful day and hope to c u on one day!
      Oliver from Switzerland

  3. vinicultured says:

    I’ve added you to my blogroll! Keep up the great work!

  4. dugpark says:

    Thanks! Great blog right back at ya!

  5. uncle oeeo says:

    Correct. Your pa introduced you to it, with a little help. This may be the reason your reactions are not to quick as I can still beat you at knuckles. Never mind your still a great guy.

  6. Brian says:

    Hello Doug,

    My name is Brian Tokarik and I work at MicroMatic.com. We just launched a new Beer Social Network. It would be great to have you join.


    The Benefits for you would be that you could have your own page on the network similar to MySpace etc, that would send traffic to your site. You will also be able to syndicate your blog on the network.

    We also have an affiliate program:


    Any questions please email me.


  7. dugpark says:

    Thanks Brian, looks like a cool site. Will have to check it out for sure.


  8. Ken Moeller says:

    What a great site! I don’t even drink beer and I enjoyed reading your commentary. You have a big fan in me. Keep up the great work dude!

  9. Brett says:

    Brett from Suds or Duds TV here –

    Thanks for the comment on episode 9!! Just passing through and checking out your site, I’m diggin it!!
    Really really appreciate the blogroll add, guys…I dont know if Mr.Trav reached out already, but we are genuinely grateful. 🙂
    Good to be making friends in the beer review community!!

    Cheers to more beers!


  10. Cydney says:

    EXCELLENT and humorous blog! I’m one girl who actually likes beer, courtesy of my father’s influence. I’ll have to show him this blog–I’m sure he’ll spend plenty of time reading it!

  11. dugpark says:

    Thank you very much Cydney! We try hard to keep it light over here… very pleased to have a ‘girl who actually likes beer’ reading the blog, as well. 🙂 Let us know what your father thinks. Oh… and you might enjoy a fellow female’s take on beer over at http://beer-babe.blogspot.com/. It is quite good.


  12. T- says:

    Get your beer drinking hoodlums off my driveway!

  13. Geoff Kaiser says:

    Loving the blog, guys. Keep it up! Great photos, too.

  14. Matthew Hale says:

    Having a blast reading your blog. Good work. It has had me thinking of the many great beers you’ve got out there in the PNW. Lots of this stuff just doesn’t make it to good ol’ Kentucky!

    One particular beer that I really enjoyed was from the Rock Bottom Brewery in Bellevue. It was one of the special beers that they had from time to time, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was called. It was something like “Uber-“. It may have been “Uber-Witt” or “Uber-Weise”. It was very light in color and wild fermented like a lambic, but no fruit flavors. This would have been sometime in the 2000-2002 time frame. Have any clue what I am talking about? If so can you recommend a bottled beer that would be similar?

    Keep up the good work. Seems like I remember some Xbox playing at your place and you had some Zima in the fridge. You’ve come a long way!

    • dugpark says:

      LOL… glad you are enjoying the blog, Matt. We are definitely lucky to be in the area… great beer abounds and only continues to get better. 🙂 I don’t remember the Rock Bottom stuff that much… but if I am ever over that way, I will see what I can find. If you like that style of beer, though, you should try the Avery White Rascal or the New Belgium Mothership Wit. If you can’t find either of them, Hoogarden may be in your area and wouldn’t be a bad choice either.

      Sadly, all of our Zima days are now over… but there is always Smirnoff Ice! 🙂

  15. Martin says:

    On a recent visit to Blighty I came across an ale called Black Sheep Bitter. I’ve long bemoaned the use of the tap diffuser, to bring air into the beer gently as it pulls, it having been usurped by the nitrogen cool-flow system, but I was drawn to BSB precisely because it stipulated in its distribution agreement that a tap diffuser be fitted! And lo, twas good. It is cask ale, not overly hopped, with a dry, adult palette. It’s what the Australians, if the faculty to recognise a good beer were ever visited upon them, would call a ‘session beer’, by which they mean it transposes well to quantity. Anyway, sufficed it say, it caused in me something of an epiphany and I am now considering selling my house in Sydney and returning to the North of England.

    • dugpark says:

      Martin, you have a mighty way with words, friend. Thank you for your suggestion… I must search it out when I am in that neck of the woods next month. 🙂

  16. Danny says:

    I am a new reader of your blog but ur arrrr greaaaattt thanks for your beer info u r far better than any beer website keep up the good work boyz.

  17. Hi Dug & Po!

    This is The Beer Babe. I wanted to drop you a quick line to tell you two things. Firstly, I love your site and I think you have a great sense of humor and fun attitudes.

    Secondly, my site has undergone a migration to wordpress, and I wanted to give you the new address for your blogroll. I am now at http://www.thebeerbabe.com. Thanks for the link love – and cheers!

    -Carla, The Beer Babe

    • dugpark says:

      Sorry for not getting back sooner! Been very busy round here and the blog has been suffering. 😦 But… I think we are on the comeback trail, so your link has been updated! Love your blog, as well and will continue reading!

  18. Mr. Dave says:

    Doug, first I would like to thank you for the invite to Red Hook tonight. I know we try alot of beers and I give you my opinion but it was good to talk to the brewers and see what their opinions about their beers are. It was a great tasting and thank you to Redhook for letting us try your newest beer the BIG BALLARD IMPERIAL IPA.

    I will let you talk about the beers and the different taste. I will tell you that I give the Big Ballard two thumbs up and you already know my feelings about the 8-4-1 limited release. Yummy!!!

    I have always like the food in the restaurant of the the Redhook Brewery. But they really know how to welcome beer drinkers in their release party. Thanks again.

  19. Scott F says:

    One of my favorite beers has always been San Miguel Dark, but can’t find it here in Seattle. Uwajamaya used to sell it, but that stopped 3-4 years ago. After spotting a few bottles at “El Diablo” coffee shop, thinking maybe it’s available for purchase somewhere in the area. Thoughts?

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