Samuel Smith Imperial Stout

Something went dreadfully wrong with this beer.  Because of this, I am giving it a middle of the road vs. a Not Even for Free and I will pick up another bottle at some point in the future and update the blog. 

I think it was likely a fluke, but you never know… interested to know if others have had the same experience:

I was happily drinking my Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale when I decided to switch directions and head into the fridge for anther beer.  This one was front and center on the top shelf, so I picked it.  I washed my glass, dried it out, and poured some Samuel Smith Imperial Stout.  Good head, nice dark color.  Things were looking up.  Then the taste… for some reason, it went down smooth enough with a medium-light body… but the finish left me with a very metallic taste… almost like when you get a stainless steel spoon that has had the outer coating chipped or rubbed off.  Just not good at all.  So I only had about 1/4 of the bottle and poured the rest down the drain.

Again, not sure if this was a bad bottle or not… any other similar experiences?

10/01/08 UPDATE: So… I picked up another bottle of this.  This time, I wanted to make sure I was being fair so I enlisted the help of the cul-de-sac.  We had a tasting of sorts and… I wish I could say the results were better, but someone actually spit it out.  I had a similar reaction to my initial.  Just not a good beer.  I appreciate those that may like it, but I am sad to say I can’t be one of them.

JBB6 Rating: Middle of the Road

About dugpark

I'm really just happy to be here on this wild ride we call life.
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3 Responses to Samuel Smith Imperial Stout

  1. B.M. Fahrtz says:

    Definitely a bad bottle. Give it another shot, because at its peak it’s one of the best.

  2. dugpark says:

    Adding an update… I actually went and purchased another bottle… see the results above. 🙂

  3. Mista Bob says:

    This is one of my fave beers here, Also, most exquisite picture!

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